For some time now, the data from material testing is computer controlled and processed. As inaccuracies during the data output cannot be excluded, tensile testing software is evaluated with TENSTAND…
Diapers have to offer a high tensile strength in order to be suitable to daily use. A universal testing machine of the type inspekt mini 3 kN from the Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH has been delivered…
The universal testing machines of the type inspekt Table 250 kN from Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH enjoy increasing popularity on the Danish market. Most recently, one inspekt table 250kN has been…
In September 2016 the new building of the "Pannonian Competence Centre for Wood" was opened in the Croatian city Vitrovitica. The institution offers services for small and medium-sized companies from…
Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH, represented by Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Prinz, head of application laboratory, successfully contributed to a customer seminar organised by Topomatika d. o. o. at the end of…
For the testing of components from civil engineering and staging the SIGMA KARLSRUHE GmbH has expanded its test lab by a universal testing machine Inspekt 250kN with extensive accessories.
The Exova Metech group offers their customers worldwide calibration and measuring technology services. Depending on customer requirements the well-equipped calibration laboratories of the enterprise…
For the development of foamed plastics, fiber-insulating materials, mineral foams and others the BASF Construction Solutions GmbH has acquired a universal testing machine Inspekt table 100kN. The…