Tensile, compression and bending tests on GRP pipe systems
Universal testing machine inspekt 100kN with a lateral test room 50kN
The Inspekt 100kN/50kN universal testing machine allows tensile tests on GRP pipes. The central test room is equipped with an hydraulic clamping system to carry out tensile tests up to 100kN on specimen with a width of up to 60 mm. In the lateral testing room compression and bending tests can be performed up to 50 kN. A special device supports the flexural test. With the aid of LabMaster , an in-house software development from Hegewald & Peschke Meß- und Prüftechnik GmbH, the data obtained are recorded and evaluated with the respective testing requirements and standards. In addition, the software comprises the necessary modules tensile , compressionnominal ring stiffness, bending testing and the block programming functionming. These can be used to detect material deformations, such as cracks or delaminations (separating of layers), even if they are invisible to the naked eye.