Testing of protective gloves via puncture resistance test
Universal testing machine inspekt duo up to 10 kN
The inspekt duo universal testing machine up to 10 kN is used for testing protective gloves. This is equipped with a special device for compression tests on gloves or glove cut-outs made of polyethylene or latex. Tests are carried out and evaluated using the LabMaster materials testing software.
The tests are carried out in accordance with standards EN 863, EN 388 and EN 374-4.
Test objective
Protective gloves, especially disposable gloves, must have sufficient tear resistance even after contact with certain liquids. Protection against sharp objects is particularly important.
The resistance of a glove material to degradation by a chemical is determined by measuring the change in puncture resistance after continuous contact with the test chemical.
Test system
The test system consists of:
- Universal testing machine inspekt duo 10 kN
- Test mandrel for the piercing device according to DIN EN 388
- Vice grip as a holder for the rolled edge bottle
- Roll edge bottle for holding the specimen
Test procedure
Specimen preparation
Three gloves are tested. Six test specimens are taken from each glove using a 20 mm punch (18 in total). Three per glove are wetted with chemical, three remain untreated.
Chemical exposure
- 2 ml of chemical is placed in a rolled rim bottle.
- A test sample is placed so that the outside is facing inwards.
- The bottle is closed, inverted and the exposure time recorded.
Puncture test
- The bottle is placed in the sample holder, which allows air to circulate and stabilizes the test specimen.
- The test specimen is punctured and the peak force recorded.
- The procedure is repeated for all test specimens.
Evaluation and documentation
The test samples are examined for physical changes, e.g:
- Swelling, shrinkage, brittleness, hardening, softening
- flaking, dissolution, color change, delamination
- Results are recorded in the test report.
The puncture test in accordance with EN 863, EN 388 and EN 374-4 enables a targeted assessment of the mechanical resistance of protective gloves after contact with chemicals. This ensures that protective gloves continue to provide reliable protection even under real-life conditions.