Calibration machine for external force sensors
Calibration with universal testing machines from Hegewald & Peschke
Beside the application for classical tensile, compression and bending tests universal testing machines from the Hegewald & Peschke Meß- und Prüftechnik GmbH can also be used as calibration machines.
For the application of the universal testing machines as calibration machines the Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH has developed the module "calibration" in its in-house material testing software LabMaster. The present functional extent can be used for the inspection of the strength measuring equipment of the machine used with LabMaster as well as for the examination of external strength measuring instruments. In the second case the machine is used as a calibration machine and the internal load cell is only used for the regulation of the machine. The real reference is, in any case, an external load cell with accompanying measuring amplifier.
LabMaster Add-on for calibration
Within the module calibration LabMaster can optionally be coupled with the software LabCalib. LabCalib permits the evaluation of the measuring data conforming to standard DIN EN ISO 376. This norm states procedures for the calibration of strength measuring instruments for the static testing of uniaxial testing machines. In this case LabMaster works as subordinated software in slave operation. The parametrization is carried out within LabCalib and is handed over to LabMaster. After the testing is performed the measuring values are transmitted for the evaluation in LabCalib. Moreover, calibrating certificates can be generated in LabCalib from the evaluated measuring data with an integrated editor.
For the calibration of the machines themselves the Hegewald & Peschke Meß- und Prüftechnik GmbH is accredited by the DAkkS for the measuring dimensions strength, length and hardness.
Related links:
Calibration machine 2500 kN