Accessories for material testing - Extensometers
Extensometers, also called strain transducers or strain sensors, are measuring instruments used in materials testing to measure the change in length or width directly on the material specimen. Based on the deformation of the material, the strain is determined.
Many standards - such as ISO 6892-1 for tensile tests on metallic materials or DIN EN ISO527-1 for the determination of tensile properties on plastics - require the use of extensometers to determine parameters such as the Young's modulus or the increase in the elastic straight line and the resulting parameters such as the yield strength or the elongation at yield, etc. The choice of a suitable extensometer is therefore a matter of course.
The selection of a suitable extensometer depends on a number of different factors. The following presentation provides an overview of the various extensometer models and their areas of application.
Load Measurement in Universal Testing Machines - from load cell to the displayed measuring channel
Flyer Load Measurement in Universal Testing Machines
A. How does a force transducer work?
B. The concepts of resolution and noise
C. Measurement chain
D. The analogue-to-digital converter (A/D converter) (data processing - integration time - filter behavior)
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